United Kingdom
Literary Masterpieces
In this unique itinerary, we offer an extraordinary opportunity to engage with three literary masterpieces: the mysteries of Sherlock Holmes, the complete works of William Shakespeare, and the magical world of Harry Potter.
We begin in Stratford-upon-Avon where we visit William Shakespeare’s hometown and dig deeply into his words. On our way to London, we stop in Oxford to see sites which have inspired many writers – including JK Rowling and Lewis Carroll. We move on to London, which brings history, art of every kind, and stories to life. We experience it all – sometimes by foot, sometimes in museums, and other times as audience members. Our next stop is magic at Harry Potter World, where we engage first-hand with the physical sets and the creativity behind the movies. Our experience culminates in a workshop with London theatre artists, who challenge us to create something new with everything we have seen so far.
Some educational concepts we will be exploring are: what inspired each writer? Where do we draw inspiration from? How do stories grow and develop with different perspectives? How can a performer bring stories – new and old – to life?